
What is Graphic Design?

What is graphic Design ?
Graphic Design is an interdisciplinary, problem-solving activity which combines visual sensitivity with skill and knowledge in areas of communications, technology and business.The graphic design process is a problem solving process, one that requires substantial creativity, innovation and technical expertise.

As a human being everyone has problems in their daily life, look around you and find out your problem and solve it using graphic design. 

Living in student halls, which is reasonably small room for me since I’m doing graphic design and illustration. I tend to make mess really easily; the amount of tissue paper, paper and plastic bags that comes out of my room is ridiculous. 
So my idea for this project is to recycle. I came up with this idea ‘plastic box’, where I can store my plastic bags and take it out an reuse them when needed.

I made this poser where it shows how to use the plastic box.

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