

chance, luck or skill?

Invent or reinvent a computer-free game or sport, for the minimum of two people played in the same room, area, or space.


We looked at the board game and decided on the theme of the game; mutual decision was to go for Zombie breakout. It was long process; we looked at how we could make the game interesting and playable as a group. 
The initial idea was to make the game playable in a box with the help of magnetic counters as well as the traditional flat board. 
A dice and trump cards are used to play this game. Every time you step on in zombie area you are to pick up a trump card and take the action regarding to the card.

The plot of the game is that Zombies broke out in several places and the civilians are in danger. Therefore the players are to rescue all the civilians avoiding Zombies or going through them.
It’s a four player game, to finish the game players must collect the civilian’s and may their way through each zone.

Trump card Example 


Stand up game mode

Flat game mode

we all took each section of the board and made different zone for the game and zombies and characters.
i made the underground zone, I created this zone considering the theme of the zone which is underground.

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