

This is my other ideas for the an internet television youth station. it is a online art gallery and art research place. it provides lots of opportunity for emerging art students and professional artists.

this web gallery will consist 
  • Artist/ Artwork 
  • Exhibition 
  • Selling you Artwork 
  • Following your favorite Artists 
  • You can put up your own Exhibition 
  • Art Projects set by the Admin Artists 
  • Competitions (who ever wins, they gets their artwork displayed in the homepage and other prizes) 
Home page 

Artists Personal Page

  • It will consist of all the information on the artists 
  • Artist followers 
  • Gallery 
  • Messages 
  • Comments 
Art Work 
  • Artwork Details 
  • Price tag 
  • Dimension 
  • Comment section 
  • Mediums 

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